Dion Lee!!

Firstly let me start by excusing myself (I would have apologised but it’s such a cliché for every blogger to start a sentence with “sorry for my lack of blogging blah blah”) so I’ll just excuse myself because I’m in a very jumbled world right now with me trying to find a place to stay, starting at a new job etc etc. I promise to be back with full vengeance soon soon! Anyway regardless of all that, I always manage to squeeze in some fashion surfing and this is the second time I’m seeing Dion Lee on popular blogs and sites.

For those of you who don’t know who he is, he is a new kid on the block and I mean that simply because even though he’s Australian, he is sure making his mark Internationally, swimming with the big sharks! If you are a fashion designer not bred and schooled in the New Yorks, Milan, Paris and Londons of this world, you better make sure you put out something extraordinary to be noticed and to contend and this man (excuse me man child, he’s 24!) does exactly that! Wowi!

 Sydney Fashion Week:

Don’t you just want to eat that up!!!I mean have you ever!

Pictures courtesy of http://jakandjil.com/blog/