The Mill…in Joziland!

There I was paging through the latest issue of House and Garden and bam I stumble upon this article which literally made me shout out loud “WHAT!”

The guys who brought us (more CT people) the NeighbourGoods Market 5 years ago in Cape Town which as we all know, is now the most popular place to see and be seen on Saturday mornings in CT. The NeighbourGoods Market is coming to Jozi and I myself cannot wait!!It’s due to launch in April at 73 Juta street in Braamfontein (very fitting considering the buzz around this area lately). I’m so ready to spend my Saturday mornings stuffing my face and shopping away!


Design Inspiration!

How crazy cool is it framing your own creations like this! These beautiful macaroons were created by pastry chef Pierre Herme and the pics decorate his wall in his home.

Pics courtesy of

Bday Goodies!

So ’twas my bday last weekend and surprisingly it turned out to be quite awesome! (when your expectations are low, you tend to be nicely surprised). Anywho had an awesome lunch at the Bird Cage….good food, nice meaningful conversations with friends, beautiful day out AND pressies…what more can you ask for! These are my fav gifts I received!

My friend Dipalesa went to Spain Madrid recently and bought me this satchel goodie! I love how it’s so authentic you can literally smell the skin!

I need not re-iterate my lust for anything Country Road so this set of cutlery made my heart dance..too precious!

I love the message in a box packaging! Thanx Milli!

Orchard! What more can I say, I can take hundreds of those any day, for each string of my heart!

I have never been one to keep cheesy bday cards but this one is too precious..I mean, I die!


Wow it feels weird, filling up this hungry baby once again! I went AWOL, and for a reason! I hit a point where I felt totally uninspired which affected the way I perceive things around me, especially when it comes to fashion. So much changed post my trip from New York. In fact come to think of it, I didn’t realise it but subconsciously I think something in me changed when I travelled overseas, ALONE! Sounds cheese curls, I know but true. For a period I found fashion to be totally uninspiring and so monotonous and the biggest thing for me was I found no value-adding factor to it (I apologise to the fashionistas If I’m offending anyone).

So I decided on taking a new path this year but still in the design sphere because that’s what I realised about myself, I love beauty and design in any form. Whether it be a certain way a tree is carved or my blooming Lilly’s or an amazing pair of Rag and Bone’s all beauty. I’ve come to grow an interest for Interior Decorating so I’m studying that part-time and it’s amazing! For now, I think that’s where my passion lies because for me the beauty of one’s environment whether it’s your home, your working space etc. has a deeper impact on your being than you think! I absolutely love coming home to my fresh flowers and my living room gives me a sense of relaxation no matter what mood I’m in!

Anywho blah blah. My point is, I’ve decided to use this blog now as a space to share my passions in any shape or form and hopefully the inspiration sticks with me this time. This is now my diary and no longer a space to achieve something!

Hello World!