Sweet Delivery!

Thanks to Tamarillo, my wall has been graced with such cuties!

This drawing really puts a smile on my face!

P.S. sorry for the picture quality, currently using my phone camera!


Let me give you two good enough reasons to pull through…CHRISTOPHER STRONG and  TAKE CARE!!! Plus it’s Spring, come have a fab day of champs, cup cakes, boerie rolls and awesome fashion…with your buddies!

Celebrate Life!

I’m feeling quite emotional writing this. I came across this online magazine via Vie’s blog whilst doing the usual blog surfing. I had never heard of the CL magazine before but because it’s under the same umbrella as the Studio 8 mag, I checked it out…and wow I’m amazed! The first issue I’m busy reading is particularly emotional for me because it’s dedicated to a dear friend, Lelethu Lumkwana who passed away 3 November 2008. Those who knew Leza will know she was an exceptional Writer/Journalist, a rich soul full of wisdom way beyond her 24 years!

This particular issue is about celebrating life and the articles are beautifully written (but might I add there are a few spelling mistakes here and there and trust a Business Analyst to spot those :))! But if you get a chance, pop in here and read!

Big Ups to Creative Editor George Matsheke and his team for firstly honoring Leza’s memory in this way and for such great piece of work! I’m inspired!

Lust Haves!

Two things have caught my attention for summer which I must have:

Coppelia shorts!too cute!I hope they are high-waisted!

No not Zac Afron! I’m lusting for a sandal strap wedge!


Aaaaaaahhhh!…Nuf Said!

This girl’s stuff will become my obsession! I already have an order to be delivered this week, my wall awaits!

 Check out her shop here

Latest Finds!

In the past few weeks I’ve bought a few items here and there but I thought to share my Breton type jacket and Trenery leather pumps which I absolutely adore!

Got this baby from Forever New. Adore those buttons!

When I grow up I’ll definitely be a Trenery type mommy, love these pumps, the color is awesome!

Voice Mail!

Wheew I’m looking at my daily stats of visits and I’m seeing a lot of love even though I’ve gone all awol on you and made you “reach my voice mail box” every time you log onto to my blog! I’m not without my reasons, it’s been a trying past couple of weeks; to be honest I hit a total big ass high brick wall with absolutely no clear path in sight. Have you ever felt like a chess player, knowing you have to make a move but with no clue what move to make? That’s been my battle lately and that feeling of being stuck really impedes on your creativity and blocks the possibilities. But alas, I’m not one to dwell on misery so in the past week I’ve had revelations, I’ve moved my queen to where I think she should be placed and hopefully soon things will start falling into place!

Anywho if you hit that low point like I did,  step back and give yourself a chance to regroup..sometimes all it takes is patience. There’s a song I’ve been listening to with these words that just spoke to me “One day at a time, someday you’ll find..you not so far”

If Not Why Not!

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“There is such a concept of loss.
Loss and how we react to loss. We think of things in a straight line: birth-life-death. That’s not really how it works.
You take those ends and you bend it into a circle so it’s birth-life-death-REbirth. So you have to be prepared when you lose something – when you go through a divorce, when your mother dies, when you lose your house you have to understand that nature has it no other way.
There is a rebirth.
The death is painful. It doesn’t change the pain of the death.
“But you gotta stay awake and stay focused for what’s the rebirth that God is about to offer you.”

                                                                                                                                                        Will Smith

I’ve been so ridiculously uninspired in the past weeks, today i got some tiny form of sparkle going off and so I had to share one of my favourite quotes!